Production Support Business DivisionReliable and safe design and construction for everything from coolant circulation equipment to safety measures

We carry out a wide range of piping, electrical, civil engineering, equipment relocation, and other construction for precision machinery part manufacturing plants and other facilities.
We aim to achieve 120% customer satisfaction by carrying out everything from plant circulation equipment pump selection to design, construction, post-construction follow-up, and more, while faithfully fulfilling and adhering to various requests from our clients.

3 distinctive characteristics

  1. Comprehensive Contracting

    We can carry out everything from design and specification proposal to construction and follow-up in precise accordance with client objectives for new constructions, renovations, safety measure construction and other projects.

  2. Sincere Service

    We strive to satisfy client needs in a timely fashion regardless of project scale.
    Please feel absolutely free to consult with us for even seemingly trivial matters.

  3. Client Tailored Proposals

    We utilize our knowledge, experience, and knowhow to provide proposals for construction specifications and plans, then discuss and work together with clients to ensure the client is fully satisfied before beginning construction.

Issues which Okamoto can resolve


Inability to find a contractor who will undertake everything from plant circulation equipment design to post-construction follow-up.
Speedy resolution of unexpected issues is required.


We specialize in handling comprehensive construction projects including everything from planning to construction, and can employ our wealth of experience and knowhow to resolve issues.
Our highly skilled, highly efficient, and always ready staff can provide the coverage and support you need.

Service Introduction

Plant Circulation Equipment Construction

  • Design and construction of comprehensive equipment for processing of grinding fluid, cleaning oil, lathe machining waste
  • Construction and installation of remote monitoring systems for pump vibration and temperature
  • Design and construction of individual coolant tanks
  • Environmental pollution countermeasure planning and construction (piping, above-ground tank conversion, CO2 countermeasures)
  • Design and construction of cooling water systems
  • Design and construction of compressors, peripheral piping, and ducts
  • Design and construction of water supply and drainage and air supply and exhaust systems

Plant Facility Improvement and Repair Work

  • Design, manufacturing, coating, and attachment of safety covers
  • Proposals for improvement of plant environments (oil mist countermeasures)
  • Pump repair (bearing replacement, mechanical seal replacement)
  • Replacement of consumable parts for conveyor drive system
  • Plant rooftop thermal barrier coating and plant internal wall and flooring coating

Plant Internal Equipment Construction

  • Design and construction associated with equipment layouts
  • Equipment relocation, installation, and associated piping construction
  • Heat treatment furnace part replacement, maintenance, cleaning, furnace construction, oil tank cleaning
  • Legally required leak inspections of underground tanks for dangerous substances and creation of fire department procedure documentation
  • Steel structure construction (piping rack design and construction, hoist cranes, etc.)